Google is removing 4 attribution models from Ads and Analytics. What Does this Mean for Marketers?

4 attribution models

Google has removed first-click attribution, linear attribution models, time decay attribution models, and position attribution models from its Ads and Analytics. Businesses that currently use any of these models will automatically switch to DDA. If you do not want to use DDA for your conversions, you will be able to utilize the last-click model. 

At this time, Google will also remove these rules-based models from reporting across the rest of its Ads and Analytics (including the Overview page, Model comparison report, and the Attribution tab). 

If you prefer not to use DDA, you can opt for the last-click model.  In the last-click model, all the credit goes to the final interaction that led to a conversion. It’s essential to select the model that best aligns with your analytical goals and the level of complexity you are comfortable with in your reporting and analysis.

What Is DDA?

Data-driven attribution (DDA) is a model that Google uses to determine attribution based on the customer’s actual journey. It’s unique to each company that uses it, but it’s generally described as a “custom attribution model” based on the use of machine learning. DDA takes into account not only the converting path but also the “non-converting path” to improve understanding of each customer touchpoint.

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