GA4 - Google Analytics 4 for Booking/Reservation websites

Booking/Reservation websites needs a different tracking setup,
still 90% end up implementing eCommerce tracking (which is not correct)

Get correct GA4 implementation done for your booking/reservation website by GA4 Experts

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GA4 Tracking for Booking websites

Is your current GA4 setup answering these four questions

How far ahead customers are making the booking?
Which channel/campaign is bringing in the quality traffic?
What is the drop-off percentage at each step of my purchase funnel?
Which service/activity has the best view to book ratio?

Cost of using no or inaccurate data

Low ROAS (Return on ad spend)
Poor Conversion Rate
Blind Marketing and SEO Strategy
Gut-driven business decisions

What We Do

ga4 eCommerce tracking

Booking Tracking

Better understanding of the touch-points in your customer journey and issues with your booking process.

cross domain tracking

Cross-domain Tracking

Get a single view of a session navigations through your main domain and associated sub-domains.

ga4 form tracking

Comprehensive Form Tracking

Optimize form fields, make them a breeze to fill out, and increase conversions.

ga4 cross-device tracking

Cross-device Tracking

Reach your website users everywhere they are by tracking their interactions on any device.

ga4 naigation tracking

User Navigation Tracking

Analyze website user interaction and touchpoints throughout the journey to find out which links lead to key website results.

Outbound Link Tracking

Outbound Link Tracking

Find out what is driving people away from your website.

ga4 site search tracking

Site Search and Filters

Track what your visitors are searching on your website and how they are using side filters.

ga4 scroll depth tracking

Scroll Depth Analysis

Create better content by analyzing how content is consumed on each webpage.

ga4 video tracking tracking

Video Tracking

Is your video a hit or a miss? Use these insights from a successful implementation to create more engaging videos.

GA4 Booking Website Case Study

Devonshire Hotels and Restaurants needed a proper implementation of Google Analytics 4. Their website had a bunch of problems, which we corrected using Javascript, HTML DOM manipulation, and Google Tag Manager.

A lot of minor and major improvements were seen, with all the bookings being correctly attributed to their source, medium, and campaign, with not more than a 2-3% discrepancy. The project was deemed a success for both parties.

Is your Google Analytics 4 correctly implemented?

Let's find out.

At GA4 Experts, we are obsessed with data and are on a mission to accelerate the use of ‘Data Analytics’ in business decision-making.

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